> Club du Theil > "Contre-Expertise" > n°1 - september 2001 - Tips & Technics : "Alclad : metal painting turns to magic ?" | Voir cette page en version française |


By Renaud POUGE

Last arrived on the metal paintings market, the ALCLAD products are different from the other because of their quick & total drying, this allow you, unlike the other paintings of the same kind, to assemble your model kit without worrying about leaving your marvelous digital prints on a wing, & apply all the adhesive masks to paint your markings. The eventually use of decals is eased by this painting. I did my first tests on a P-47, following by words what the manual given with the painting was saying . I first applied a 'primer' made of one acrylic painting coat which i let dry for 48 H. The ALCLAD painting has then been airbrushed like told on the manual, in 2 coats separated by 24 H of drying. I then applied the masks & painted the invasions stripes & all the decoration of my aircraft. The result was so satisfying that i decided to build up a Tamiya P-51 proceeding the same way.

Problems occured only 3 weeks later, with cracks in the painting, my models looking like the Mojave desert. Transcription : great looking models had turn into disposable ones!!! I transmitted this information to Eddie Rosier & one of the Kit'N'Doc store sell man, which actually sell this painting. Both had the same answer, the acrylic 'primer' painting, recommanded by the painting maker is not needed. If you apply directly the metal painting on plastic, you don't have this problem. But you will need to have a perfectly assembled model to do this, like the last TAMIYA or ACCURATE MINIATURES productions. ALCLAD stay then, like every other metal looking paintings, to use carefully on old model kits & "short-runs" which weighted more in putty than in plastic.



In this issue: Intro Tips& Technics : When tipp-ex becomes putty / ALCLAD : metal painting turns to magic?
Stuff : We tried for you : the EVOLUTION airbrush - Models : The Hasegawa 1:72 F/A-18 Hornet

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